JULY 2, 2010 - Introducing: “The Sage Protégé Venture”

JULY 2, 2010 - Chris launches his new web site




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JULY 2, 2010 - Introducing: “The Sage Protégé Venture”

The Sage Protégé Venture is a collaborative concept where advanced career composers work with emerging composers to combine the solid gold of vast experience with the wealth of youthful talent, energy, and up-to-the-minute technical prowess - providing producers with superior music scores at better rates.

This very old idea of having a School of artists works beautifully as a business model in the media industry today.

Launching Now: The S.V.P team of Chris Dedrick and Catalin Marin.

Chris is considered one of Canada’s leading film/media composers, with decades of credits and awards, as well as active involvement in the ACCT and GCFC. Chris considers Catalin to be a great musical talent and techno genius:

“No question, Cat upgrades my work in terms of his abilities with the all-important (these days, these budgets) electronic/computer side of music production, as well as bringing all that youthful enthusiasm and energy to the hour-by-hour demands of getting stuff done! He’s a gifted composer with an equally complete traditional musical education. I’m able to enhance his talents with my many years of experience in using composition skills to collaborate with film-makers, communicating in producers’ language, and understanding the business side.” CD


JULY 2, 2010 - The newly designed is live!

You'll find a brand new look at today. Have a look around - you'll find video & audio clips, photos, news, information on Chris and Catalin's Sage Protégé Venture and more.